Adding Keywords
You can add keywords when you create your project or at any time afterward.
- Open the homepage of the Content Raptor app.
- Go to the Project page for the project you are trying to add keywords to. You can access the Project page by clicking the icon shown below in the Projects table.

- On the project table, click the Add Keywords or Add Keywords button, this will give you options to Add manually or Add from sitemap.

Adding Keywords from Your Sitemap (Recommended Method)
Adding keywords from your sitemap is the fastest way to get started, especially if you have a large site. You’ll still have a chance to review all of your keywords before they are added.
You don’t need to know how to find or read a sitemap for this process. We’ll find your sitemaps for you based on the domain you specified for the project.
- Click Add from sitemap in the Add Keywords menu.
- Select the sitemaps you want the app to grab keywords from. WordPress users will typically want to include anything that says post-sitemap or page-sitemap.

- Edit the list of keywords as necessary.

- Click Add Keywords when you’re ready.
Note that this process can only add 1000 keywords at a time, so you may need to repeat these steps for very large sites.
Adding Keywords Manually
Manually adding keywords is better for users that already have their keywords saved in a separate document like an excel spreadsheet. It may also be the better option for complicated or non-SEO-optimzed URLs. You can always fall back to manual keyword entry if the sitemap method doesn’t work.
- Click Add manually in the Add Keywords menu.
- Type your keywords into the textbox one per line.

- Click Add Keywords when you’re ready. Remember that you can always add more keywords later.
Keyword Best Practices
- Track 1 keyword for every page you intend to rank organically.
- Track the keyword you targeted with your article, regardless of what it currently ranks or gets traffic for. If your article was about “best toasters for apartments”, that’s the keyword you should track not “toasters”, “best toasters”, or “kitchen appliances”.
- Capitalization doesn’t matter and most symbols will be ignored. In most cases, we suggest avoiding punctuation or symbols altogether in your keywords.
- Allowed symbols:
# $ & _ + ” . / : – [ ] ‘
- Allowed symbols:
- Avoid long keywords. There is a 100-character max for each keyword. Ideally, keywords should be under 40 characters.